이건 실수 였어요.
word: 이건(ee gun)-this, 실수(sil soo)-mistake, 였어요(yeo sir yo)-was
1) We don't OFTEN indicate "Subject" in the sentence. In the sentence she didn't say who made a mistake.
2) [r] sound. we don't have [r] sound in Korean. I have wrote "였어요/yeo sir yo), but when you pronounce "SIR', you can just pronounce without [r] sound.
word: 뭐라구요?(mer la gu yo?)-what
When you pronounce "mer", there is no [r]sound in korean.
뭐라구요 can be used in many ways. It has the meaning of
Pardon?, What did you say? What do you mean something like that.